You’ve heard it called several things – “pulling back the curtain” (sorta like in the Wizard of Oz), “peeking beneath the kimono” (depending on whose kimono, that could be kinda yuk!), or “looking behind the scenes”. Whatever you call it, we’re gonna do it here. You’ll get a glimpse at what it takes to produce these self-contained, hybrid, live, online, interaction shows.
Without getting too much into the exact wiring of our engine that’ll win the audience interactive channel race, here is a little insight into the three stages of the “behind the scenes” work of developing and bringing a show and supporting channel to market.
Show Design – Developing and Creating a Pilot
- Initial design using content with industry expert feedback
- Audition the needed talent to fit the target market
- Test the talent’s interaction
- Write and rehearse a pilot
- Shoot the pilot
- Audience test and/or a focus group
The 48-week Live Production Cycle 
- Assign an Executive Producer
- Sign needed talent
- Create ensemble cast flexibility where needed
- Plan and implement the show in a 12-week production cycle
- Write and produce to that cycle
Customize an Online Community and its Supporting Features
- Design, build and brand a website and social media “channel”
- Actively build supporting content and an online community
- Allow audience content submissions
- Heavily encourage segment and show ideas
- Alter the show based on the above, as well as polling from the community
Our Goal: To have audience feedback control the ongoing design of the show
To Future Executive Producers and Show Talent
The above is a glimpse of how we’ll create 20 channels in the next 3-5 years and build The eBroadcast Television Network (eBTV). It also highlights our future need to identify Executive Producers (content experts), on-screen talent, field reporters, writers and technicians to develop and service future shows and markets.
If you want to be involved or considered, please send us your ideas, resume AND links to some actual video work you’ve produced or been part of. We may not respond immediately, but we’ll keep all qualified prospective team members, and it’ll be one of the first places we’ll look as we craft future shows and channels.
Wanna contact eBroadcast Media Group? Here ya go:
eBroadcast Media Group
4025 Camino del Rio S. #300
San Diego, CA 92108