The Greatest Things Ever Said About Beer

By Meredith Heil via Thrilllist
The list of people who have spoken of the deliciousness of beer is long and vast. It includes politicians, and poets, members of royalty… and people who haven’t yet been honored. (If that’s you, share your quotes down below. We’ll add them and make you a house-hold name!)
Let’s start with the very influential Homer Simpson.
- “Ah, beer. The cause of and the solution to all of life’s problems.”- Homer Simpson, cartoon character & role model
- “Beer, it’s the best damn drink in the world.” – Jack Nicholson, actor & professional Lakers fan
- “Milk is for babies. When you grow up, you have to drink beer.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger, actor & Governator
- “I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer.” – Abe Lincoln, US president & quote master
- “We old folks have to find our cushions and pillows in our tankards. Strong beer is the milk of the old.” – Martin Luther, Protestant reformer & another dead guy
- “A meal of bread, cheese, and beer constitutes the perfect food.” – Queen Elizabeth I, last of the Tudor dynasty, I think
And our personal favorite – Go Babe Ruth!
- “Sometimes when I reflect on all the beer I drink, I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. I think, ‘It is better to drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver.'” – Babe Ruth, baseball legend & beer-guzzling American hero
This is by no means the entire list that Meredith Heil published. You can see them all at Thrillist,
And seriously, add your own. We know it’s in ya.