International India Black Lager Recipe

We found this recipe on GrowlerMag . Some of the stats we like to include with recipes (like batch size, brewhouse efficiency, FG, SRM, and ABV) weren’t included, so if you make this, and have any of that info, share it in the comments below. We’ll add it.
Target OG: 1.065
Target IBU: 40–45 (nominal)
- 10 pounds Rahr Pilsner
- 1 pound Rahr White Wheat
- 8 ounces Patagonia Perla Negra (bag & mill separately!)
- 8 ounces Weyermann CARAFA III (bag & mill separately!)
- 2 ounces Comet
- 1 ounce Mandarina Bavaria
- 1 ounce Wai-iti
- 1 ounce Idaho 7
- Wyeast 2112 California Lager (or equivalent)
- Mesh bag for cold-steeping the roasted malts
Brewer’s Notes:
- Yeast starter. North of 1.060 and a cool ferment, so we’re going to need a bunch of cells.
- Cold steeping. The Pilsner and wheat malts will get mashed together, while the Perla Negra and CARAFA will be cold-steeped for 24 hours prior to brew day (this is just like brewing cold press coffee) then strained, and the resulting inky liquid added to the kettle during the last few minutes of the boil. This will create a great chocolate-and-coffee roast malt character and deep color with minimal harshness.
- Hop standing. Adding the lion’s share of the hop charge after the boil is shut down but before the wort is cooled, brings a big dose of fragrant hop oils and resin, which would otherwise be lost in the heat and agitation of the boil (as well as some IBU contribution). Lots of flavor and aroma, mild bitterness.
- Boil 60 minutes.
For more details on making this recipe, with added info for homebrewers, visit GrowlerMag.
Clone Recipe Comet GrowlerMag Idaho 7 International India Black Lager Mandarina Bavaria Patagonia Perla Negra Rahr Pilsner Rahr White Wheat Wai-iti Weyermann CARAFA III Wyeast 2112 California Lager